Singapore-based social enterprise Web3Re Technologies, will launch a Zodiac digital art collectible series to raise S$3 million for three organisations in Singapore.
From January 15, donors can buy the first of its kind NFTs depicting zodiac signs. With a focus on blockchain for good, each has its unique colour, character, and numerals. They are also individually numbered and minted on blockchain. Individual price of NFTs ranges from US$388 to US$888.
The funds raised will go to two charities, namely Daughters of Tomorrow and Cycling Without Age Singapore, as well as to a social enterprise called Dignity Kitchen. Details of how funds are used and disbursed will be fully documented on blockchain.
Blessed by Thai Abbot Kruba Arjan Anang Toe of Wat Don Chan monastery in Chiang Mai, Thailand, these Zodiac NFTs, contain character traits aligned to their zodiac signs. They are collected and displayed by collectors to symbolise good luck.

Web3Re Technologies chief executive officer Lim Soon Ying said: “We often hear of projects pledging a percentage of funds raised to charity or social impact causes. However, information on how funds are deployed is hard to come by. Through digital philanthropy, we aim to use blockchain to enhance the accountability of our ecosystem partners and increase the trust from a user’s perspective.”
The fundraising platform is built and managed by Web3Re and resides in its’ GOYA Universe Meta-verse ecosystem, which supports philanthropy and social impact projects. The platform aims to completely rethink the act of contributing, turning donors into collaborators in the hopes of fuelling a regenerative future.
This story was written by Vishwesh Iyer.