The blockbuster movie Oppenheimer focuses on J. Robert Oppenheimer's relentless pursuit behind the Manhattan Project, a critical development that resulted in the atomic bomb and helped end World...
Category: Quantum Computing
New study reveals most APAC organisations are not prepared to address security implications of quantum computing
DigiCert has released the results of its global study on how companies are addressing post-quantum computing threats and preparing for a safe computing future. According to the key...
Counter quantum computing code cracking with stronger encryption tools
To safeguard digital networks and systems from attacks by powerful quantum computers, organisations have to start thinking about deploying quantum-resistant encryption algorithms. Called quantum-safe cryptography, these...
Singapore launches first quantum-safe network infrastructure in Southeast Asia
Singapore has launched a national quantum-safe network aimed helping businesses fend off threats from powerful quantum computers.
Academics, software developers first to use software tools developed by Singapore quantum computing firm
Conventional software developers will soon be able to get specially designed tools to build applications for quantum computers directly. This will help many companies interested in building...
With error correction, Google hits key milestone in quantum computing
Google says it has managed to reduce the rate of error in quantum computing, overcoming a major obstacle in its development.